There are a couple of ways to get this started. Naturally,
it first needs to be determined whether or not dental implants are the best
solution. If that is the case, first schedule a free consultation to determine
the options. But for the sake of this blog – let’s assume the person needs
dental implants.

The next step, once you know how you will pay for this
amazing gift, is to set up the appointments for the procedures. Double check if
your gift can be Teeth in a Day or All on Four procedures. These procedures
will save time in that they can be done in a single day as opposed to several
trips and a variety of procedures with a longer waiting and heeling time.
Now it’s time to put the surprise together. Get creative
here! Maybe you give the person a set of chompers that begin moving once wound
up. Within the perfectly shaped teeth could the gift written down on paper and
folded up to fit the inside of the chompers teeth. The sky’s the limit,
especially considering what a person can do with the perfect smile!