Saturday, November 17, 2012

You have options with Affleck Dental!!

Tooth replacement options are comparable to the growth of computers. What may seem ages ago, computers filled an entire room. Thankful for us, tooth replacement options back then didn’t take up your entire mouth. However, they weren’t as seamless, comfortable and flexible in choices as they are now. Some of these choices include dental implants, permanent fixed bridges and bonded bridges. Each option is specifically designed for the individual needs of the person and to increase overall health.

Dental implants tend to be the primary choice for replacing a missing tooth. The implants are made of pure titanium that is completely safe. A screw is first implanted into the jaw bone where the missing tooth is. This screw is specially designed to promote bone adherence. Once it has healed, a cap or crown is attached that has the appearance of a real tooth. This option has a 95% success rate and will last a long time.

Fixed bridges have been around for over 50 years. Even though it may seem like an archaic option with how far medical treatments have come, it remains to be a predictable procedure for patients who have little bone or have loose adjacent teeth. This procedure involves the drilling of the enamel of adjacent teeth, taking an impression and making a permanent bridge across the area where the tooth is missing. Treatment is completed quicker and there are no surgical procedures involved.

There are a few choices for temporary restorations that may also cost less. Affleck Dental recommends visiting a specialist in tooth replacement to determine your options and what will best meet your needs, lifestyle and your budget. Affleck Dental understands the importance of feeling good about yourself and one place to begin is your beautiful smile. 

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