Monday, October 15, 2012

Healthy Halloween Treats

Halloween is only a few weeks away. What do you plan on handing out to the kids that come to your front door in hopes that their costume will be frightening enough to scare you into giving them candy, or they look so pretty and dainty that you could never pass up giving them something sweet? Candy is the easiest option these days in our quick-paced world. But the same time, thought and energy it takes to drive to the store, choose the oodles of candy and then wait in line to purchase the sugary snacks can also be used to get healthy options to give out on All Hollow’s Eve. 

Non-food Options

What a better way to encourage a healthy Halloween then to give out treats that aren’t edible. Some of these options include: Halloween stickers; Halloween-themed pencils and other handy items; balloons for the kids to blow up later; bouncy balls, crayons, and toothbrushes. Many of these items can be found at a party store, large super stores or even a dollar store.

Food Options

Perhaps you want to stick with tradition and give the kids trick-or-treating an option they can put their teeth into. Some of these options include: all natural fruit leather; string cheese; granola bars; little boxes of raisins; single serve bags of mini pretzels homemade popcorn in baggies; and of course apples.
The possibilities have few limits. You can choose between something fun the child will enjoy for several days like bubbles or a temporary tattoo.  It all simple depends on how creative you want be yourself.

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